paul71991Sep 12, 20221 min readDC Migration CompleteWe have been engaged for just over a year to assist a SME with a relocation of their ICT estate to a CoLo facility. Great News -- the...
paul71991Dec 6, 20211 min readMovember -- been and gonefor the last 10 years Walk In The Rain has been participating in Movember. Raising funds for initiatives to improve Men's Health and...
paul71991Dec 6, 20211 min readconservation and regenerationWe had the pleasure of assisting a local contractor with the installation of some dams on a Lancashire peat bog. These dams hold water...
WITR-CommsOct 26, 20211 min readWaiting Game As you know, often in a project there are dependencies on 3rd parties. Sometimes this is the client, sometimes other providers over whom...
paul71991Apr 22, 20212 min readTape is not deadA recent problem presented to us was the need to protect an organisations data from Ransomware. There are obviously multiple routes to...
WITR-CommsMar 12, 20211 min readIt's not all ITQuite proud that we were able to help out a conservation project last week. Not just with some technical assistance, mapping the work...
WITR-CommsFeb 23, 20211 min readWhy call yourself "Walk In The Rain"?A long time ago a friend used the phrase “some people walk in the rain, others just get wet” to describe me. The implication was, and is,...
WITR-CommsFeb 15, 20211 min readRandom QuoteThe same boiling water that softens the potato hardens the egg. It’s what you’re made of. Not the circumstances.